It's hard to start something new.
Especially as an adult.
You work hard and you deserve time to relax. Maybe rest on your laurels a little.
The problem is life keeps moving forward and there's things you have to do, like it or not. You may have to learn how to do things that haven't been relevant, but...maybe...should be now.
It's harder to learn new things as we get older but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try. If anything, it's the effort that makes what we learn more valuable.
That brings us to starting to exercise.
I know that most people don't love to exercise. (That understanding is one of the things that make Castro Valley Fitness different.) Knowing that and appreciating the apprehension everyone has when starting something new, it's easy to understand how hard it really is.
When starting to exercise, you have to:
learn a bunch of new exercises
meet a bunch of new people
go to a strange place
listen to a trainer who, if certain TV shows are accurate, may yell at you
worry about getting injured
worry about getting sore
worry if the person you're putting your trust into knows what the heck they're doing
sublimate your ego and admit that maybe you don't know everything (for some people this is the hardest thing of all!)
That's a lot.
Well, take comfort. We see you.

It's hard to ask someone for help.
Especially a stranger you're not sure you can trust.
Everyone needs to enter this their own way. The way that makes them comfortable.
My only advice would be for you to do just that.
Don't listen to anyone telling you how you need to tackle this. That doesn't mean you shouldn't tackle it, just that you need to figure out the best way for you to do it. You're the expert on you, no matter what anyone else thinks. There's always people who can't wait to tell you what's best for you.

Send me an email at and let me know how I can help. We're here for you.
Castro Valley Fitness
2861 Grove Way in Castro Valley