Hello, folks. I know it’s been a while. About two months, to be exact. I really need to start doing this more often and, for you, my loyal readers, I will try. Anyway, last time we spoke I wrote about adapting some supersetting workouts to a commercial gym setting. I just finished up that cycle. I took the workouts pretty direct from Hypertrophy 1 in Alwyn Cosgrove’s New Rules of Lifting book. My only change was that halfway through I exchanged the dumbell incline bench/seated row for barbell incline bench/barbell row. I did this because I tweaked my back a bit and the set-up for the dumbell presses along with the seated rows didn’t feel all that great. It was a pretty difficult cycle. I got definite results at first, but I don’t know how much in the long run. In particular the lower body routine seemed more difficult metabolically than load-wise. In trying to decide where to go next, I thought I’d bring back some straight set kind of workouts and I’ve really been enjoying that. I went to a hardware store and bought a chain and clip to hang from my weight belt to do weighted chins and dips again, and it’s been a great thing. I’ve been trying to do 5 sets of 5 with a 90 second rest. This morning’s workout went like this:
Cleans: 95lbs. 4 reps 135lbs. 3 reps 155lbs. 2 reps 175lbs. 1 rep (with a jerk) 175lbs. 1 rep
Flat Bench Press: 155 8 reps 175 6 reps 195 6 reps 215 3 reps 215 3 reps
Dips: 8 reps 25lbs. 5 reps 25lbs. 5 reps 25lbs. 4 reps 25lbs. 3 reps
Dumbell Shoulder Press: 60 lbs. 5 reps 60 lbs. 5 reps 55lbs. 5 reps 55lbs. 4 reps 50lbs. 4 reps
Wood Chops: 90lbs. 10 reps 90lbs. 10 reps 90lbs. 8 8reps
It was very good. It was the first time I’ve done cleans in a while and they felt great. Maybe next week I’ll see if I can still do 195lbs. If not, I know I’ll get back up there soon. Also, I was very surprised that my bench was that high. I might need to go for a max bench test soon. It’s been a long while since I’ve done that.
The bottom line to all of this is that I have been feeling really great in the gym lately. I feel really enthusiastic about where I am headed there. All this while getting up at 4 am to go. That’s true love, y’all.
Talk to you soon.
Mitchell Rothbardt http://www.mitchrothbardttraining.com/ (coming soon)
P.S. Please don’t forget to take the latest poll and take a look at the latest Top Three Things.